#20 BIG BIRTHDAY REVEAL: A Milestone Birthday Inspires a Fresh Start

Milestone birthdays, even more than other birthdays, are apropo for a fresh start, a new beginning, and a time to pursue a new vision with new goals, and even to make lifestyle changes. As podcast host Christine Smith shares, she’s looking forward with faith, trust, love, hope, and joy. Her attitude is that a birthday isn‘t just a reminder of how old you are but a celebration of how far you have come and the journey that still lies ahead. She’s focusing on growing wiser, intentional, more fruitful, and very grateful.

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Thursday Mar 06, 2025

Join us for an enlightening episode of Radiant Joy with Christine as we welcome Arabah Joy, a Jesus-loving mentor with 27 years of experience in guiding women in their walk with God. An accomplished author and online writer, “AJ” has a wealth of wisdom to share, particularly about the transformative power of intentional prayer. 
In this episode, we dive into her newly released Prayer Resource, featuring The Prayer Mapping Blueprint, a framework designed to help you pray with purpose, consistency, confidence, and strategy. Christine recently began using this approach and was so captivated by its effectiveness that she couldn’t wait to share it with you!
Together, Christine and AJ walk through each step of the process in detail, presenting it both theoretically and with practical applications so you can implement it in your own life by the end of the conversation. Christine shares personal reflections, including her own confessions, to illustrate how this framework is making a significant impact in her life.
Ephesians 3:20 (NLT) comes to mind! “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”
AJ and Christine offer additional prayer resources as gifts for listeners, so you won’t want to miss out! In less than an hour, you can create a clear and strategic prayer plan that requires only 2 to 3 minutes per day per request. Christine's results in just one or two weeks were nothing short of remarkable, so she truly believes every Christian can benefit from learning this powerful prayer method.
Don’t miss any of this longer-than-typical podcast episode filled with insight and encouragement! Be sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so you never miss an episode of Radiant Joy with Christine, and bless others by sharing it with them!
 #strugglingwithprayer #strategicprayer #biblicallybased #prayerframework #prayermapping #prayerresources #powerfulprayer #arabahjoy #christineboersmasmith #radiantjoy

Thursday Feb 06, 2025

In this enlightening episode of Radiant Joy with Christine, we dive into the profound concept of rest as God intended, going far beyond mere sleep or breaks from our busy lives. Christine shares her personal journey of discovering God’s call to embrace His plans and directives during and after her recent, very productive, writing season. The same is true for many seasoned Christian women navigating the second half of life. 
Join Christine as she invites you to take a moment and transition your focus inward, and to release tension and foster connection with God and fellow listeners. With relevant Biblical passages and heartfelt insights, this episode encourages you to shed your agenda, society’s productivity focus, and embrace God’s timelessness. 
To continue the conversation, Christine invites you to a free Zoom gathering on February 11th and most second Tuesdays, where seasoned women share their experiences navigating life's challenges, surprises, and blessings. Sign up now at www.RadiantJoy.us/conversations/ and be part of this enriching community!
Christine mentions her book Joy-Full Seasoned Women published in December. She doesn’t mention her even newer book, published between the recording of this podcast and it’s release: The Radiant Joy Challenge: 21 Days to More Joy, Peace, and Intimacy of God. This podcast was definitely influenced by that book, especially when it comes to cultivating intimate presence and timelessness with God.
“Press play, relax, and reflect—join us in experiencing the joy that comes when we rest in God’s presence!”#RadiantJoyPodcast #ChristianWomen #FaithJourney #RestInGod #BiblicalRest #ChristianEncouragement

Thursday Jan 02, 2025

Join Christine for an uplifting and insightful episode as she explores the theme of taking a fresh look at the divine guidance available to us in the New Year. In this episode, we’ll reflect on how we can align our lives with the fruits of the Holy Spirit—especially radiant joy—as we embrace who we are as spiritual beings. Christine shares her thoughts on the importance of listening to God's voice, drawing wisdom from Scripture, and allowing our hearts to be open to God’s abundance, including His abundant surprises and love. Plus, Christine takes a moment to express her heartfelt gratitude to those who supported her book launch for "Joy-Full Seasoned Women: A Guide to Bearing Fruit and Radiating Joy in Your Second Half of Life." Tune in for a joyful message filled with hope and inspiration as we step into 2025 together!
#align  #fruitsoftheHolySpirit #radiantjoy #radiatingjoy #listeningtoGod #wisdomfromscripture #Godsabundance #booklaunch #joyful #Joy-FullSeasonedWomen #seasonedwomen #bearingfruit #secondhalfoflife #hopeandinspiration #stepinto2025together

Thursday Dec 05, 2024

Two joyful women—second half of life host and author Christine Boersma Smith and Katelyn Silva interview each other about writing books as prompted by the Holy Spirit and radiating joy!  They discuss the writing journey, the inner work that takes place even while writing, and communicating Biblical principles. The importance of connecting with a community for seasoned women of faith, which Christine facilitates, or with a community for writers is also stressed. Christine’s new book, “Joy-Full Seasoned Women: A Guide to Bearing Fruit and Radiating Joy in Your Second Half” was going to print as this episode was released, and Katelyn has provided much appreciated mentorship and publishing expertise. 
Katelyn Silva is the 6x bestselling author of thirteen books, some under a pen name. She is a God-fearing devoted wife and homeschooling mother of four. She is the founder of We Write Books, Coffee Date with Jesus, and is the host of the 1 Minute Writing Tip podcast. She works with Holy Spirit-led women to get clarity on their book idea, confidently write and publish a bestseller, and use it as a tool for impact, authority, and accomplishing their God-given purpose. She believes every person has a unique story worth telling and that your book can change a life.
Christine encourages Christian women in their second half of life to live with more inner joy, holy boldness, and fruitfulness so they may embrace the blessings, surprises, and challenges of this season of life with grace and confidence. She’s a ray of sunshine for those navigating the fog and late afternoon of their lives. A Benedictine-trained spiritual director and transformational coach with twelve years of experience in healing and cleansing prayer ministry, Christine’s passion is to partner with the Holy Spirit and encourage seasoned women to connect with one another and share meaningfully. She loves to help women be more joyful and fruitful: aligned with God, being who we really are, with holy and loving hearts.
#connectwithoneanother #seasonedwomen #radiatingjoy #innerjoy #secondhalfoflife #joyfulwomen #HolySpirit #healing #writing #publishing #writingjourney #holyboldness #bestseller #booklaunch

21 Days of Joy Challenge

Thursday Nov 07, 2024

Thursday Nov 07, 2024

This series encourages you to spend a few minutes a day for 21 days to experience more joy of the Lord! Each day has a theme, a graphic reminder, and an activity to help you experience more joy. To join in on the challenge and receive a gift at the end, click on the link below. To participate online, see my social media pages for daily themes and a reminder to experience the post. Comments are encouraged as well as spreading the challenge. Go to https://radiantjoy.org/joy-challenge for a free copy of Joy-Full Seasoned Women: A Guide to Bearing Fruit and Radiating Joy in Your Second Half, scheduled for December 2024 release.

Thursday Oct 03, 2024

Join host Christine Boersma Smith, a vibrant Baby Boomer and Spirit-loving disciple, as she explores how the first half of life may not have prepared us for the second half. Learn from her insights about shifting from a life of striving, perfectionism, and DOing to self-discovery, spiritual growth, navigating unexpected challenges, and BEing.
She shares about connecting with like-minded women as well as embracing creativity during a period of newfound solitude, as she also did “inner work” and created her dream studio. She speaks of how the second half of life offers us wisdom and nudges us to ponder key questions, and nothing is wasted for those faithful to Jesus, who works everything out for our good!
She mentions Wisdom Circles, where seasoned women can veer from uncertainty to finding a blessed, purposeful, joy-filled second half of life in a supportive community of other seasoned Christian women.
Christine also offers a Questions to Ponder PDF, which provides inquiries for reflection, prayer, journaling, or dialoguing with God. You can visit her website at https://radiantjoy.us/.

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

Milestone birthdays, even more than other birthdays, are apropo for a fresh start, a new beginning, and a time to pursue a new vision with new goals, and even to make lifestyle changes. As podcast host Christine Smith shares, she’s looking forward with faith, trust, love, hope, and joy. Her attitude is that a birthday isn‘t just a reminder of how old you are but a celebration of how far you have come and the journey that still lies ahead. She’s focusing on growing wiser, intentional, more fruitful, and very grateful. 
She also sees this big 75th birthday as one to embrace moments and people that have brought her joy in the past as well as those circumstances that taught her important lessons, especially spiritual lessons, healing, and preparation for how she will continue to serve other seasoned women (especially those women over 50 or over 55). Christine’s motto is that it’s never too late to walk by the Spirit, to be the REAL YOU, and to fulfill your sacred calling. If you live aiming for that, or making progress towards that little by little, she’s confident that the rewards will bless you! She shares some of her heartwarming memories and encourages you to reflect on yours. She asks for prayers as she’s currently writing a book on joy. She includes family photos, some that are humorous: her worst hair day, and her most uplifting day ever! Christine’s cherished moments, friendships, and desire to bless those who watch, reflect her hope to continue in a faithful life, lived with purpose, love, grace, and kindred spirits. 
She invites women of faith over 50 or 55 to join an upcoming 8-week FREE TO BE HOLY Workshop starting in September, discussing the book of that name by Matt Lozano, and reflecting on what a holiness lifestyle looks like and discovering more about our identity in Christ. You can expect the community experience to add to your enjoyment of the book and its topics. Visit and sign up at: https://radiantjoy.us/freetobeholy/.
At the end of the podcast, Christine offers as a “birthday party favor” a compilation of 75 Pearls of Wisdom about Joy, downloadable on her website, https://radiantjoy.us/podcast/. She also invites you to follow her on Linked In at https://www.linkedin.com/christine-boersma-smith-16b09179 or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/radiantjoychristine.

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